Design Settings

Settings » Design Settings Index
General  Website Design An overview of the various elements involved in designing and customizing the website's appearance. Main Design ...
Design Settings » Main Design
Main Design This article explains how to edit settings available in the "Main Design" section of the "Design Settings" Visual Gu...
Design Settings » Header Design
Header Design This article goes over the Header Design settings.  Visual Guide of Header Settings To access this section please navigate to: S...
Design Settings » Header Search
Header Search There are different variations to the Header Search, edit this setting by navigating to: SETTINGS >> DESIGN SETTINGS >> Header De...
Design Settings » Logo Designer
Logo Designer This article explains how to use the Logo Designer tool, which will be used on the front end until the website owner uploads a logo image ...
Design Settings » Footer Design
Footer Design This article reviews all the settings available to edit the Footer of the Website. To access this section navigate to: Settings Design Set...
Design Settings » Main Menu Design
Main Menu Design This article goes over the Main Menu Design settings and how to edit the Main Menu of the website. To access this section navigate to: ...
Design Settings » Button Colors
Button Colors This article reviews the available button colors for the website, the colors set here will affect all the buttons with that specific CSS c...
Design Settings » Member Profile Pages
Member Profile Pages This article reviews the available settings to modify the layout of Member Profile Pages. To edit these settings navigate to  Settin...
Design Settings » Search Results Pages
Search Results Pages This article reviews the available settings to edit the Search Results Pages. To edit these settings Settings Design Settings  ...