Search Results Pages

This article reviews the available settings to edit the Search Results Pages. To edit these settings

  • Settings
  • Design Settings 
  • General 
  • Search Results Pages.

Visual Guide of the Search Result Pages

NOTE: Some of these settings (6 - 12) are available only with specific add-ons.

Search Result Pages

These settings control the general settings for the search result pages of the directory website.

1. Display Main Title (H1)

The options are Yes or No. 



2. Main Title Font Size

This setting controls the font size for the search results H1

3. Display Sub-Title (H2)

The options are Yes or No



4. Sub-Title Font Size

This setting controls the font size for the search results H1

Display Settings

These settings control the display settings for the search results pages of the directory.

5.Display "View Profile" Button

The options are Yes - Display Button and No - Hide Button

Yes - Display Button

No - Hide Button  

6. Display Star Rating Filter?

The options available are Enable and Disable



7. Detect Visitor Locations

To learn how this add-on works, navigate to the following link: Detect Visitor Locations

8. Location Icon

To learn how this add-on works, navigate to the following link: Detect Visitor Locations

9. Albums Search Results Carousel

This option requires the Photo Gallery Previewer. The options available are Enable and Disable



10. Member Search Layout

The available options are Start in List View, Start in Grid View, Start in Map View. 

The add-on is needed for this view: Grid View Search Results add-on and Google Map Search Results

Start in List View

Start in Grid View (requires the Grid View Search Results add-on)

Start in Map View (requires the Google Map Search Results add-on)


11. Post Search Layout

The available options are Start in List View, Start in Grid View. The add-on is needed for this view: Grid View Search Results add-on.

Start in List View

Start in Grid View (requires the Grid View Search Results add-on)

12. Grid View Layout

The available options are Masonry (Default) and Structured. (requires the Grid View Search Results add-on)

