Header Search

There are different variations to the Header Search, edit this setting by navigating to: SETTINGS >> DESIGN SETTINGS >> Header Design

Visual Guide of Header Settings

Keyword + Location (default)

What Keywords is this field looking for? 

  • Company Name / Individual Name

  • Categories (Top >> Sub >> Sub Sub) Something important for to know is that there is a priority on how these categories are displayed.

    Example: If there is a Top Category called "Music Academy" and a Sub Category "Music Masterclass", the Top Category "Music Academy" will show up in Search Results, both categories have the same word at the beginning "Music" so the system will pick the one with the higher priority, in this case the Top Category, also a keyword search that is an *exact match* for the name of a category will *only* return results in that category.

    We also recommend reading All About The Keyword Auto-Suggest For Member Searches to provide a more detailed search for the visitors.

  • The Search Member Keywords Add-on It will index all text on  the members’ profile pages including custom text areas and form fields.

IMPORTANT: The Keyword field is not going to provide results from Membership Features, there are specific modules for these.

Hide Header Search

No Search is going to appear on the Header.

Only Location Search

This mode will only look for location.

Only Keyword Search

Searches only for Keywords.

Display Header Banner Ad

This option will remove the search completely, instead it is going to use the Banner Ad designated on the Banner Ad Design.


Show Social Media Links

The Social Media details that added on (SETTINGS >> GENERAL SETTINGS >> SOCIAL MEDIA) are going to display in this section.

Specific Membership Features Search

These are Search Modules for specific Membership Features, this will be determined by the needs of the site. These search modules will only search for the name of the post.

Blog Articles Search

This module searches for Blog posts.

Classifieds Search

This module searches for Classified posts and includes a location module.

Coupon Search

This module searches for Coupon posts

Event Search

This module searches for Event posts

Job Search

This module searches for Job posts

Member Articles Search

This module searches for Member Community Article posts

Product Search

This module searches for Product posts

Property Search

This module searches for Property posts

Video Search

This module searches for Property posts

Global Website Search 

If the Website has the Global Website Search Addon active the following 2 search modules will appear as options:

To learn more about this Addon, navigate to the following link:

Global Website Search