Logo Designer

This article explains how to use the Logo Designer tool, which will be used on the front end until the website owner uploads a logo image to the website. 

Visual Guide of the Logo Designer tool

To edit this section, navigate to:

  • Settings 
  • Design Settings
  • Logo Designer

Important: The logo added via Settings >> General Settings >> Brand Images >> Website Logo will replace this designed logo. This new logo is also going to remove the Logo Slogan, if a slogan is needed we recommend adding the slogan to the Logo Image.

1. Logo Designer

This section will edit the Main Title of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image.

2. Logo Slogan

This section will edit the Logo Slogan of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image. 

3. Logo Title Color

This section will edit the Logo Title Color of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image.

4. Logo Slogan Color

This section will edit the Logo Slogan Color of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image. 

5. Logo Font Family

This section will edit the Logo Font Family of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image. 

6. Logo Font Size

This section will edit the Logo Font Size of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image. 

7. Display Logo Icon

This section will display the Logo Icon for the logo of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image.

8. Select Logo Icon

This section will set the icon used for the logo of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image.

Select a logo that matches the name of the website project:

9. Logo Icon Color

This section will set the color of the logo of the website, this will only show up if the image does not have a logo image.