Member Profile Pages

This article reviews the available settings to modify the layout of Member Profile Pages. To edit these settings navigate to 

  • Settings 
  • Design Settings
  • General 
  • Additional Design Settings 
  • Member Profile Pages.

Visual Guide of the Member Profile Pages Settings

1. Profile Photo Style

The available options for the profile image are Standard and Circle.

Standard Corners

Circled Corners

2. Profile Page Header

The available options to align the header in profile pages are: Full-Width Header Above Sidebar and Align Header with Sidebar.

Full-Width Header Above Sidebar 

Align Header with Sidebar (Default)

3. Display Content in Tabbed Layout

The available options to display the content in the members profile pages are: Display Content n Separate Tabs (Default) and Stream All Content Without Tabs

No - Stream All Content Without Tabs

Yes - Display Content in Separate Tabs (Default)

4. Display Post Count in Tab Title

The available options are Yes - Display Post Count in Tab Title and No - Hide Post Count in Tab Title

Yes - Display Post Count in Tab Title


No - Hide Post Count in Tab Title 

5. Profile Page Tabs Behavior

The available options are Stack or Scroll


