Design Settings

Design Settings » Content Boxes & Backgrounds
Content Boxes & Backgrounds This article reviews the available settings to edit the Content Boxes, which are used across the website. To edit these ...
Design Settings » Sidebar Alignment Options
Sidebar Alignment Options This article reviews the settings available to edit the Sidebars across the website. A sidebar is referred to a widget-ready area...
Design Settings » Homepage » Hero Title Text
Hero Title Text These settings control the Hero Title or Main Title displayed on the homepage of the website. To edit the Hero Title Text navigate to...
Design Settings » Homepage » Search Box / Call To Action
Search Box / Call To Action These settings control the main search module, in the first fold, of the website's homepage. The search module selected her...
Homepage Search Box / Call to Action - Selecting the Search Type
In our platform there are many Search Modules to choose from. This will depend on the business model and what items need to be searched for. For extra d...
Design Settings » Homepage » Hero Background Image
Hero Background Image These settings control the main image on the first fold in the homepage of the website, we recommend using images with the following ...
Design Settings » Homepage » Search Box Design
Search Box Design These settings control the main search module, in the first fold, of the website's homepage. The search module selected here will det...
Design Settings » Section Settings
Section Settings These settings control the layout and design of the streaming sections for the website's homepage. To learn more about these sections ...
Design Settings » Section Title Font
Section Title Font These settings control the font style for the title of the streaming sections, these settings apply to all the active streaming sections...
Design Settings » Select Content to Display (Stream Content On The Homepage)
Brilliant Directories makes it easy to stream content on the homepage. It's currently possible to stream the following content on the homepage: Membe...