Button Colors

This article reviews the available button colors for the website, the colors set here will affect all the buttons with that specific CSS class, across the entire website. The available CSS classes are: Primary, Success, Info, Warning, Danger, Default

To edit these colors navigate to

  • Settings
  • Design Settings
  • General
  • Button Colors

Visual Guide of the Button Colors

Button Corner Style

The available options are Rounded, Square or Circle corners:

Rounded Corners

Square Corners

Circle Corners

Primary Button Background & Primary Button Text

Success Button Background & Success Button Text

Info Button Background & Info Button Text

Warning Button Background & Warning Button Text

Danger Button Background & Danger Button Text

Default Button Background & Default Button Text

Bookmark Favorites Button Settings

These settings are part of the Bookmark My Favorites Add-On.

Enable Bookmark Counter

Favorite Icon

Favorite Icon Active Color

Favorite Icon Disabled Color