Brilliant Directories makes it easy to stream content on the homepage. It's currently possible to stream the following content on the homepage:

Member Streaming Widgets
Post Type Streaming Widgets
  • Streaming Featured Blog Article Slider
  • Streaming Member Articles
  • Streaming Member Articles with Sidebar
  • Streaming Audios
  • Streaming Blog Articles
  • Streaming Blog Articles with Sidebar
  • Streaming Classifieds
  • Streaming Coupons
  • Streaming Digital Products
  • Streaming Events
  • Streaming Jobs
  • Streaming Photo Albums
  • Streaming Products
  • Streaming Property Listings
  • Streaming Reviews
  • Streaming Videos

Select Content to Display

Go to Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Tab >> Select Content to Display

Learn how to edit the design of the Streaming Widgets : Design Settings » Section Settings & Section Title Font

This controls the order of the streaming widgets that appear on the homepage. To add or edit which type of content to display, click on on the down arrow and select the streaming widget:

The modules include 3 setting to select a different Background Color and Top / Bottom Spacing:

By default the section will come with "Default" as the Top / Bottom Spacing option. An unchecked "Black" background color will be pre-selected but not applied, since the checkbox is unmarked.

Top SpacingBottom Spacing

Front-End Use

This example uses the Streaming Members:

  •   Default Top / Bottom Spacing and no Background Color:

  • Top / Bottom Spacing set to "0px" and a Background Color applied:

Edit Settings - How To Customize Streaming Content

Brilliant Directories provides some default options to customize the streaming content on the homepage.  

Go to SETTINGS >> DESIGN SETTINGS >> HOMEPAGE >> Select Content to Display >> Find the Streaming widget and click on Edit Settings.

There are five primary sections editable. These settings apply to all Streaming Widgets:


The title is what is displayed on top of the streaming content.

Title Color

Pick the color of the Title.

Amount Of Posts To Be Displayed On The Homepage

Control how many posts will display on the homepage and how many rows.

Only Show Members / Posts with Photo

While it is our recommendation to force members to add an image in order for that piece of content to stream on the homepage, there is also the option to allow members / posts without an image to show as well:

Hide On Mobile?

When this is set to "Yes" it will hide the streaming content module on mobile devices/displays.

Hide Sidebar On Mobile?

This setting applies to two streaming widgets:

  1. Streaming Member Articles with Sidebar
  2. Streaming Blog Articles with Sidebar

It will hide the sidebar when viewing the section on a mobile device:

Category Levels to Show

This setting is only available for the Streaming Sub Level Categories module where the preferred category tier can be displayed on the module.

Enable Carousel Slider will only appear if the add-on is active on the site: 

» Streaming Post Carousel Slider Add-On

Under Which Category?

This setting is only available for the Streaming Sub Level Categories module where the preferred Top Level Category and Sub Level Category can be specified to display:

Important Note: The "Select Sub Level Category" option will only display if the Sub-Sub Level Category option has been selected for the Category Levels to Show setting.

Additional Settings

There are additional settings for the following Post Types:

  • Streaming Blog Articles
  • Streaming Blog Articles with Sidebar
  • Streaming Classifieds
  • Streaming Coupons
  • Streaming Events
  • Streaming Jobs
  • Streaming Member Articles
  • Streaming Member Articles with Sidebar
  • Streaming Photo Albums
  • Streaming Products
  • Streaming Properties
  • Streaming Reviews
  • Streaming Videos

Linked Post Type

On this setting select the post type with the streaming widget, only if necessary, this is already set up automatically. This setting gives the option to select any post type, including custom post types.

Hide If No Posts Exist

Hide the entire Streaming Widget Section if no post exist.

Only Include Posts from Active Members

If there is an account inactive and don't want those posts to show by activating this setting those posts are not going to display.

Include Posts from Non-Searchable Members

If set to Yes shows the post of a non-searchable member, this will make the post viewable but not the member itself.

Display Order

Select the order of the posts, find these 3 options:

  • Newest First
  • Oldest First
  • Random

Important Note: On the Streaming Events widget, there will be additional Display Order options

Include Posts from Members in These Plans

This setting applies only to Streaming Members. Select what Membership Plan is going to display on the Homepage.

Limit One Post per Member?

Use this setting to display only one post per member.

Display Additional Information

This setting is only for Featured Members and Streaming Members.

The options available are:

  • Display About Snippet
  • Display Top Level Category
  • Display Sub Level Category
  • Display Sub-Sub Level Category
  • Display Short Description
  • Do Not Display Additional Information

Display Location

The setting applies only to Featured and Streaming Members widgets.

Display View Profile Button

Enable or disable the View Profile Button. 

This setting is only for Featured Members and Streaming Members.

To change the order of the streaming content, drag and drop the Sections to fit the order desired:

Lastly, to add an extra Streaming widget, click on "+ Add New Section":