Search Box / Call To Action

These settings control the main search module, in the first fold, of the website's homepage. The search module selected here will determine what the visitor of the website is going to be able to search for, as soon as they visit the website.

To edit the Search Box / Call To Action navigate to:

  • Settings
  • Design Settings
  • Homepage Tab

Visual Guide of the Search Box / Call To Action

1. Select Call to Action

The options available are divided in the following categories: Hide Options, Call To Actions, Search For Members, Search A Post Type and the Clickable Maps if the Add-On is enabled on the website.

Hide Search Box / Call to Action

Hide Entire Hero Section

Display Button Links

Custom Content - Text Editor

Display Lead Capture Form

Global Website Keyword Search

Global Website Keyword + Location Search

Top + Sub + Location Search

Keyword + Location Search

Keyword Only Search

Location Only Search

Top + Sub + Sub-Sub + Location Search

Top Category Search

Top + Sub Category Search

Top Category + Location Search

Top + Sub + Sub-Sub Category Search

Sub + Sub-Sub Category Search

Sub Category + Location Search

Sub + Sub-Sub + Location Search

Hidden Top-Level Filter

Blog Article Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Classifieds Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Coupons Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Digital Products Search

Important note, this module will only be available if the Add-On is active on the website.

Discussions Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Jobs Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings and the Type of Employment by navigating to Toolbox - Form Manager - Features Jobs Form

Member Article Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Photo Album Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Products Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Real State Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings and the Type of Employment by navigating to Toolbox - Form Manager - Features Properties Form

Video Search

Important note, the categories displayed here can be edited by navigating to Settings - Edit Post Settings

Clickable Maps

Important note, these options will only be available if the Add-On is active on the website. The available options are: USA, Canada, UK, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Germany. To learn more about this Add-On navigate to the following link: Homepage Clickable Maps Pack

2. Search Box Layout

The options available are Horizontal and Vertical

Horizontal Style

Vertical Style

3. Require Member Login

The options available are No Do Not Display Login Form or Yes First Display Login Form

No Do Not Display Login Form 

This will not require visitors of the website to log in before being able to search on the website, the search module will be available for everyone.

Yes First Display Login Form 

This will require visitors of the website to log in before being able to search on the website, the search module will not be available for everyone, unless the visitor logs in first.