The Edit Post Settings folder is where the post types can be edited, deleted and/or cloned. 

There are 14 default post types that come with the website:

  • Community Article
  • Website Blog Article
  • Video
  • Property
  • Product
  • Photo Album
  • Job Listing
  • Event
  • Coupon
  • Classified
  • Soundcloud
  • My Favorites
  • Member Listings
  • Discussions

There are 4 clickable elements showing on the main Edit Post Settings page:

1. Preview: Click to be redirected to the post search results page.

2. Number of created posts: Click on the item to be redirected to the Manage Posts section of the specific post type. Refer to this article for more information Content » Manage Post

3. URL Permalink: Click to be redirected to the post search results page.

4. Form to Use: Clicking on this element will open the specific form used on the post type for editing purposes. To learn more about form manager, click on the following article Toolbox » Form Manager

When clicking on "Edit" for a post type, there are 4 available tabs with different settings: General Settings, Profile Page Design, Search Results Design, and Detail Page Design

General Settings Tab

Here are the general settings of the post type:

1. Protect this Post Type?: This option will only become available if the Members-Only Content add on is active on the site.

2. URL Permalink: If desire, update the URL of the post type search results. Refer to this article to learn more about How To Change The Name, Title & URL Of A Post Type.

3. Post Sidebar Icon: Select the icon used to represent this post type in member's dashboard sidebar menu.

4. Select Form to Use: Choose the form that will be used when publishing a post. Click on the hyperlink to access and edit the form.

5. Post Categories: Some Post Types such as properties, coupons, and events come with a set of pre-set categories. Click on this article for more details on How To Add Or Edit Categories For Post Types (Events, Coupons, Properties, Etc)

6. Additional Settings: These settings may vary from one post type to another. These are the ones available for the post type "Classifieds":

7. Post Approval: Advanced Post Moderation add-on required.

8. Post Limit Notification: Limit Posts Per Member add-on required.

9. Price Slider Min + Max Value: Some Post Types, like Classifieds, for example, have sliders in their search widgets that allow a user to select a range of values for the price. Click on this link to learn how to Edit The Min & Max Value of Price Sliders

10. Enable Price Slider: Turn on The Price Slider for Post types that use a pricing slider

11. Enable Photo Gallery Videos: Add videos to multi-photo albums, click on the following article for more information on How to Add Videos to Multi-Photo Post Types

12. Display Map When Entering Location Information?: This setting will control to display the map or not. Here is an article with more helpful information on Google Maps: Reducing Usage and Costs

13. Enable Results for Global Website Search: Global Website Search add-on required.

Profile Page Design Tab

Move to this tab to set up the information regarding how the post will be displayed on the member public profile.

1. Profile Page Tab Title: Change the title that will be displayed on the front end tab.

2. Profile Page Tab Order: Choose the position of the profile page tab by selecting a number from the dropdown. Each position will show the name of the selected post type. All positions with no post type assigned are available to choose from.

3. Number of Posts Displayed in Tab: Set the number of posts to be displayed.
The information will be displayed on the live profile of the member like this:

4. Profile Page Code: The header, page loop, and footer codes of the Profile Page design can be edited. However, we do not recommend changing these options unless it's handled by a developer or someone with knowledge of web development. If desired, after updating the code, it can be switched back to default. Click on this article for more information: How to Customize the Default Post Types Code.

Search Results Design Tab

Edit and set up the search results settings for a specific post in this section.

1. Search Results Page Title - H1: Edit the text for the post type title.

2. Search Results Page Sub-Title - H2: If desired, add a subtitle.

3. Search Results per Page: This controls how many total results will appear on a search results page by default.

4. Search Results Code: The option to edit the header, loop and footer codes of the search results design is available as well. Here's an article for more information on How to Customize the Default Post Types Code

5. Additional settings: Different options will become available when clicking on the dropdown, edit them accordingly:

6. Post Keyword Search Options: Advanced setting to control the Keyword Search Options. The "Search Default Fields" option also searches posts description fields. Please see this article for the Expanded Keyword Search Add-On. 

7. Pagination Display Options: Select how pagination is displayed on search result pages, either standard, hidden pagination, or Insta-Load pagination using the Add-On. 

8. Order Results By: It controls the display order of items based on a database field. Please find more information on How To Change Search Results Sorting Options here.
9. Enable Search Results Cache: Set to YES (recommended) to cache search results and load subsequent matching search results more quickly. 
Set to NO to always query the database for all searches. 
Note: This cannot be enabled if "Order Results By" is set to "Random". 

10. Respect Membership Plan Search Priority?: Membership Plan Search Results Priority can be set up in the Search Visibility tab on each plan. 

11. Sidebar To Use: Name of the Sidebar that will be displayed on the search result pages, either custom or default.

12. Sidebar Search Module: Choose which search widget you would like to display in the sidebar of search results for this post type.

13. Sidebar Position on Mobile Device: Choose to display the sidebar below (Bottom), above (Top) the results on search results pages, or hide it only on mobile devices (phones and tablets).

14. Enable Search Results Photo Album Slider: If YES, search results for this feature will have a carousel displaying the post's photos.

15. Display Google Map Option on Search Results Pages: Selecting "Yes" will display a map icon at the top of search results pages. Clicking on this icon will display the search results as pins on a Google Map.

16. Custom Search Engine Widget Name: Add a widget to use a custom search engine
17. Start Results View In: Choose either list view, map view, or grid view if you have the Grid View Search Results Add-On.

18. Display Expired Posts in Search Results: If YES, will display expired posts on search results pages.

Detail Page Design Tab

In this section is possible to edit and choose different settings for the post detail page.

  1. Detail Page Code: On this field, additional custom codes can be added. We do not recommend changing this code unless a developer is working on the site, click on this article for more information on How to Customize the Default Post Types Code
  2. Allow Live Links In The Post Body: If set to ON, members will be allowed to include links in the body of the post. This can be enabled or disabled for each post type.
  3. Sidebar to Use: Name of the Sidebar that will be displayed on the search result pages.
  4. Alternate Title for Comments Section: It is possible to add an additional title above the default one, if desired. Otherwise, "Leave Comment Below" would be the only title present:

  5. Insert Additional Code for Embeds, Schema Markup, etc. (will render directly after page template code): If any additional code needs to be added to the comments section, please paste it here

Additional Actions 

Hover over actions for additional actions:

1. Clone: When clicking on this option a copy of the post type will be created. In the example below, the Discussion post type was copied.

2. Copy RSS Link: This option will only be visible with the RSS Feed for Posts add-on

3. Delete: Before deleting a post type that has posts in it, an option to move the post to another post type will become available. 

Once the new Post Type has been selected, all posts will be transferred.