It is possible to control whether the member search result pages, and post types pages display results in list, grid or map view. This is done to personalize the website and to provide better user experience.

Here are the different type of views visitors can select:

-List View

-Grid View (Grid View Search Results)

List View

Grid View

Map View

How To Change The Default Search View?

To change the search results view for the members and/or post types simply go to the design settings of the website and follow these steps:

Navigate to Settings >> Design Settings >> General >> Search Results Pages

In this section there are 2 settings:

Member Search Layout

This setting applies to Member Search Results. There are 3 options:

  • Starts in List View
  • Starts in Grid View
  • Starts in Map View Add-on

Post Search Layout

This setting applies to Post Types Search Results. There are 2 options:

  • Starts in List View
  • Starts in Grid View