It is now easier than ever to customize the search result order for members and post types. Here are the eight options currently available for member listings: 

For other post types, these are the sorting options:

To easily change the Sorting option, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Content - Edit Post Settings and click on "Edit" for the post type in which the sorting order will be changed:

  2. Move to the Search Results Design tab:

  3. Scroll down and expand the Additional Settings and open up the "Order Results By":

  4. Choose any of the Sorting Option:

    Member Listings:

    Member Name A-Z
    Member Name Z-A
    Member/Post ID (Oldest First)
    Member/Post ID (Newest First)

    Sort by Last Name A-Z (If no last name is present, it will use the company name as the last name)
    Sort by Last Name Z-A (If no last name is present, it will use the company name as the last name)
    Number of Reviews
    Random Order*

    Other Post Types:

    Date Posted (Earliest Date Last)
    Date Posted (Earliest Date First)
    Start Date (Earliest Date Last) - If Applicable
    Start Date (Earliest Date First) - If Applicable
    End Date (Earliest Date Last) - If Applicable
    End Date (Earliest Date First) - If Applicable
    Post ID (Smallest to Largest)
    Post ID (Largest to Smallest)
    Post Title A - Z
    Post Title Z - A
    Advanced - Edit in Search Widget
    Random Order*

Selecting Random Order:

When users select "Random", it is important to note that the randomization will be applied per browser session page refresh. 

This implies that continuing to pages 2, 3, and so forth will maintain the same browser session, thus displaying identical results even upon revisiting these pages. The results will only vary upon returning to search results page 1, and refreshing the browser session, presenting fresh random results.

The Random option will apply to all types of searches except radius-based location searches, which always order by distance from the searched location.

Searching by category, keyword or nothing will have random results.

Additionally, the setting "When Sorting Members - Respect Membership Plan “Search Priority” will respect the "Search Results Priority" logic based on the Membership Plan settings:

Sort Order Options on the Front-End

Now every time a search is conducted, the results will be filtered and presented by the selected option, including the ability to sort by Random.

Additionally, the sort order options will be available on the front end of the site for members and visitors to select how they would like the results to be displayed:

If the admin does not want one of the available sort options to show on the front end, the corresponding Text Label needs to be left blank by deleting the text:

These are the text labels that can be edited or deleted:

  • Label Name: Default sort label

System Variable: default_sort_label

  • Label Name: Most reviews sort label

System Variable: most_reviews_sort_label

  • Label Name: Az sort label

System Variable: az_sort_label

  • Label Name: Za sort label

System Variable: za_sort_label

Please refer to this article to learn more about text labels: Settings » Text Labels

In this example, after deleting the text labels for "Sort by Name/Last Name", these options no longer shows in the front end of the site:

Important Note: At this time, the ability to compare members in search results on the front end is not an available feature.