Identifying the Type of Post, Database Table and Variables:

Before we start explaining how to import posts, there is some important information to understand and identify.

Single-Image Posts vs Multi-Image Posts

There are 2 types of posts: Single image posts and Multi-image posts.

Single Image Postdata_type





Multi-Image Postsdata_type
Photo Albums4
Digital Products4

Database Tables for Posts

Single-Image Posts and Multi-image posts are stored in different tables in the directory database:

  1. data_posts:  Single Image posts 
  2. users_portafolio_groups:  Multi-image posts 

Once the correct post to be imported has been identified, the correct variables and template file can be selected below.

Default Variables 

The following variables need to be included in the CSV import files:

For single image posts:

  • post_title: Add the post title.     
  • post_content: Add the content of the post.

For multi-image posts:

  • group_name: Add the post title.     
  • groud_desc: Add the content of the post.

The content of the post can be formatted with HTML and CSS as long as it is specified on the same field.

The best way to do it is by creating a new webpage and pasting the content of the article there.

For example: 

Then click on the "Code View" and copy & paste the code on the CSV file: 


  • post_category: These are the categories already added to the post type Post Categories field inside the Post Settings.

    More information: How To Add or Edit Categories For Post Types (events, coupons, classifieds, etc)

  • post_tags: Enter a comma-separated list of tags.
  • user_id: ID of the member that this post is going to be linked to.

    e.g., if "Johnny Cook" is publishing the post, then enter the ID: 44841

Note: There are other variables that can be used in the import file but we are not going to add them here because they vary depending on the post type, so we used the general ones.

Custom Variables

Custom variables previously added to the form can also be used in the import file. 

Make sure to use the database variable on the import file: 

Note: This same technique can be used to find the default variables by opening the default form for that specific post type. 


  • The files below should be downloaded to the computer and viewed in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel, or another similar application.
  • Images cannot be imported yet. This will be part of Phase II and it is coming soon.
  • When using multi-option fields such as dropdowns, checkboxes, multiple choice radios, Yes/No, etc, please use the "Database Variable"

To start, here are some files that will help with understanding how the import process works:

Important information about CSV files: Importing Tricks - Importing CSV Files With Special Characters

Importing the CSV File

Import File Example

In this instance, we will import a blog article.

This is the import file we are going to use: 


To import the CSV file:

1. Go to My Content >> Manage Posts

2. Click on Import Post File

3. Select the post type you are going to import:

  • Single-Image Post (Post - Standard) 
    • Article
    • Event
    • Job Opening
    • Coupon 
    • Video
    • Audio File
    • Website Blog Article 
    • Discussion
  • Multi-Image Post (Post - Photo Album)  
    • Photo Album
    • Classifieds
    • Property
    • Product
    • Website-Digital Product

4. Click on "Choose File" to attach the CSV file: 

5. Make sure the variables selected in the "Directory Property" match the "Column Header From File":

6. If everything is correct, please click on "Continue with import".  Then click on the "Yes, Continue" button:

7. The system will show if everything was successful or if there are errors: 

8. Go back to My Content >> Manage Posts to check the new posts imported.

Importing Post Images (optional)

To automatically import the images, the following Advanced Option can be selected. However, to complete the import of post images, please refer to the link below:

Post Images: Importing Posts With Photos

Importing Post Locations (optional)

To add the location when importing a post through the CSV File the correct variable to use is post_location.

When importing the CSV File with the location field is important to check the box on the left to Geocode the location properly:

NOTE: In order for the Import with Location to work properly it is required to Set Up Pretty URLs with Google Maps with this Advanced Setting: 

Here are some examples of how the location can be entered on the post_location field:

  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Menlo Park, CA
  • 1234 Maple Dr, Camillus, NY 13031, USA

Get Personal Assistance

We understand that this can be a challenging process, even for some users that are more technically inclined. If one would prefer that someone on our team assists with the import of the members, we have Training Sessions covering importing members. Use the link below to purchase this service: Training Sessions