In this article, we will be going over how to import and export the text labels from one site to another using the database. This can be a good workaround for site owners with multiple sites in a different language where all translated text labels can be transferred from one site to another.

1) How to Export Text Labels

To accomplish this, navigate to Developer Hub >> MySQL Database:

Click on _directory database:

Search for the table website_labels and click on it:

Click on the Export navigation link:

Choose the Custom option:

Name the file and choose the gzipped Compression option:

Select Add Drop Table / Trigger statement option:

And click on Go and the file will be downloaded:

2) How To Import Text Labels

Now that your export file is ready and downloaded, we can navigate to a different site to which we want to import these text labels.

To accomplish this, navigate to Developer Hub >> MySQL Database:

Click on _directory database:

Click on the Import navigation link:

Choose the correct exported file and click on Go:

There will be an indication on the queries were executed correctly: