In this article, we will be going over how to create a download link with the button on a webpage.

This can be extremely helpful when creating a webpage that offers an Ebook or any kind of PDF download.

Uploading a PDF file via Media Manager

To accomplish this, simply navigate to My Content >> Media Manager >> Click the "Upload Image or PDF" button:


Click or  Drop Files to Upload:


And click Back to All Media after the upload is completed:


Then right-click on the file and select Copy URL:


Copy the relative URL:


Creating a Download Link with a Button

Navigate to My Content >> Web Page Builder >> Click on "New Web Page" or click "Edit" on the existing page:


On this new web page or on the existing page, drag and drop Button Link from Pre-Made Elements:


Once the button is added, click on Edit Link:

And paste the copied PDF URL and click Update:


Add a unique URL to the page and click on Save Web Page:

This is how it would function on the front end when clicked:


PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the download icon:


Bonus Step (Optional) - How to Force Instant Download When Button is Clicked

This file also can be downloaded on the fly without opening a new tab as shown below:

To accomplish this, click on the Code View icon on Web Page Builder:

And add the download attribute before the closing > as it is shown below and save your changes once again: