WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster. The WebP images are supported by the Media Manager and Member Uploads (profile photo, logo, and posts).

For additional information, visit Google's page directly: Google WebP

Using WebP -

These images can be uploaded using three methods:

  1. The Media Manager inside the Admin -

    >> My Content » Media Manager Upload Image
    >> Media Manager Documentation Folder

    Once the image is inside the Media Manager it can placed inside any of the text editors using the "Insert Image" button:

    A) Pick the image using the "Browse Option":

    B) Insert the URL path of the image:

  2. The Froala/WYSIWYG Editors inside the Post Content:

Additional Information:

» Everything About WYSIWYG Editors

» How to Post Images On WYSIWYG Editors

» Manage Posts » Posting Content

If any attempt to upload a .webp image results in an error, please reach out to support so that we can take a look into this.