By default, all sites come with a Homepage that can be accessed using the " " URL. In this article, we will go over where to edit each section of the Homepage.


There are two available settings for a Logo -

1. Upload an image inside General Settings » Brand Images: Brand Images Tab

2. Create a Logo inside Design Settings » Logo Design:

Header Mini Nav:

1. To edit the Links (Phone Number, Contact Us, Login) go to Toolbox » Menu Manager » Header Mini Nav: How to Edit the Header Mini Nav

2. To edit the Search Module and button colors go to Design Settings » Header Design: Header Search Module

Main Menu:

The Main Menu is also edited inside the Toolbox » Menu Manager » Header Main Menu: Header Main Menu & Main Menu Design

Homepage Image and Search:

The Image and Search display can be edited inside the Design Settings: Homepage Search Settings

Homepage Content:

This is done through the Streaming Widget functionality available on all sites: How To Add Content On Your Homepage (Coupons, Newest Members, Main Categories, etc)

Footer Menu & Newsletter Signup:

The Footer Menu is edited inside the Toolbox » Menu Manager » Footer Menu: How to Edit the Footer
The design settings article for the Footer and Newsletter can be found here: Footer & Newsletter Design