The Member Upload CV or Brochure field is a tool for members to upload files. This functionality is intended to display the file through a link in the Member's public profile.
The files supported by the member upload tool are:
- PDFs
- Word Documents
- Excel Documents
- Powerpoint Documents
IMPORTANT - The tool only supports:
- Files that are 10 MB or less
- By default, we only support this field in the "Listing - Additional Details - Member" form. In order to add this to other forms, the File Uploads for Forms add-on is required.
How to Upload a File
Go to the Member's Listing Details tab and click on "Please select an image or PDF file":
After the file is uploaded, the "1" will start appearing next to the text means that a file has been uploaded. Now scroll down and save the changes:
How to Remove a File
The file uploaded can be deleted by clicking on the Remove CV option:
Which will prompt a confirmation alert:
How to Enable/Disable This Field on the Member's Public Profile
Navigate to Toolbox >> Form Manager >> Listing - Additional Details - Member:
Find the correct field by searching for "cv", click on the gear icon and make sure to enable Display View, and click Save Changes:
This is how the field will display on their public profile:
How to Add Additional CV/File Upload Fields to the Form
On the form specified above (Listing - Additional Details - Member), click on any of the "Add Field" buttons:
This will generate a blank field:
Within the "Field Type" drop-down select, File Upload Field:
Add a Label Name and a System Variable (the form will automatically fill in the variable, however, it is possible to add in a custom one):
Next, click on the "Gear Icon" and add the following:
- Additional Field CSS Class - filestyle_uploadcv
- Outer Element ID - This field needs to be unique on each cv field, so please do not add "upload_field", because this is the ID of the default field.
Since a unique ID needs to be added, adding a number after the default field will work as well.
For example: upload_field2
This is how it displays after saving changes:
How to Edit the Current Text of These Fields
To accomplish this, navigate to Settings >> Text Labels.
Type in the search bar the current wording of the text field. Add the new text to display and save the changes.
"Upload CV or Brochure" and "Please select an image or PDF file":
>> member_listing_upload_cv
>> filestyle_choose_cv_file
"View my Curriculum Vitae"
>> view_my_cv
"Remove CV"
>> remove_my_cv
**Important Note** - The Upload CV functionality is only supported in the Listing Additional Details form. Moving this form field to other forms will cause this functionality to stop working properly.
Additional Functionality
The file path for this document can be edited through the Advanced Settings.
Files uploaded through "File Upload" Form Fields are saved in the folder /uploads/curriculum-vitae/ by default. Edit the second portion of this URL (curriculum-vitae) for future file uploads using this setting.
System Variable: default_cv_url