At any moment, the site can create a subscription (recurring or one-time payment) for a member of the directory. Keep in mind that when someone signs up from the /join page the system will create the subscription automatically. 

However, sometimes the owner wants to change the amount of the membership or create a new subscription. 

This is also very beneficial if the site is taking external payments (bank transfers, checks, etc) instead of accepting direct payments on the site.

To do this, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Admin area and navigate to Members >> Search Members.

2. Locate the member and click on Actions >> Payment History: 

3. At the top right, click on the "New Order" button: 

4. On the left side please select the following:

1. Membership Plan: Select the membership plan of this specific order.

2. Billing Cycle: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Yearly, and Yearly (This will depend on the configuration set up in the membership plan)

3. Price Override: Type the new amount for this specific order. Please leave this option blank if the membership plan doesn't need to be overridden.  

4. Start Billing On: By default, the system will show today's date. However, it can be modified to any date in the future. 

5. Admin Notes: Add notes for the internal team (See example below).

5. Make sure the information selected on the left side is appearing on the right side.

When everything has been reviewed, please click on the "Create Oder" button.

6. Confirm the order by clicking on the "Submit Order" button:

7. The page should load automatically and a new message: "New Order Created" will appear with an order summary: 

8. If the member had a credit card on file and the date selected was today, then the system should collect the payment. To verify if the money was taken successfully please click on the "Transactions" tab and make sure the status of the order says "Paid". 

9. This payment can also be verified under Finance >> Transaction History: 

10. If the card couldn't be attempted or there was no card registered to begin with, this means that the credit on file needs to be updated. The Unpaid invoice will appear in the "Past Due" tab. 

When the member updates the credit card on file, the unpaid invoice can be attempted manually. There is no need to create a new order. 

To attempt the payment manually please click on Actions >> Collect Payment: 

11. If the member paid the invoice by cash or bank transfer, the invoice can be Marked as Paid at any moment, removing it from the Past Due list.

To learn how to refund a member please read this article: How Refunds Work

To learn how to cancel orders please read this article: How Do I Cancel Payment Subscriptions - Orders. 

If need to learn how to update existing member subscriptions, please read this article: Updating Member Subscriptions