Access the Member Dashboard, on the left sidebar find the Videos post type. Click on it to add a new post.

Add some content to the post, for example a title, description, link and more as explained below:

1. Publish content on the site or save it as a draft.

2. Add the Title of the video.

3. Select the category for the video.

4. Add the link of the video (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and TikTok links are natively supported).

5. Enter keywords that apply. Separate with comma.

IMPORTANT: When adding the link of the video make sure to use the Share Link:

Click Copy to get the proper link, if the link is copied from the browser the Thumbnail is not going to appear properly, resulting in no image when viewing on the Videos Streaming Widget or the /videos search results page.

6. Add a location to the video in the first field, it will auto-populate in the field below.

7. Add a quick description of the video.

Once the video post has been created, it will display the current Status (Published, Draft, Expired). The number of views and Bookmarks will only show if the correspondent add ons are active on the site. Click Here to learn more.

Click on the Actions button to View, Edit, Clone or Delete the post:

Member Dashboard Options

Different options are available on this section. For more information, please refer to the image and points shown below:

1. Videos: Will show all the articles and display the amount of videos in the account.

2. Add a New Video: Click to add a new video. It will not display if the limit of posts has been reached.

3. Entries per page: Click on the dropdown to choose how many entries will show per page (5, 10, 25 or 50 entries).

4. Order of the Posts on the Page: Newest, Oldest, Updated (first), Updated (last), Start Date (first), Start Date (last).

5. Filter by Status: Published, Draft or Expired.

6. Filter by Keyword: Enter a desired keyword to display all video posts that contain it.

Lastly, all  Post Types have a designated search results page: