The Media Manager helps keep all of the images and files being used by the Admin neatly stored in one place.

Within the Media Manager:

IMPORTANT: When using Safari the cookies must be enabled on the browser, please see: Enable Cookies in Safari

How To Upload Images & Files -

1. Go to My Content and click on Media Manager:

2. Click on "Upload Image or PDF":

3. Click anywhere within the red box:

* Drag & Drop files or click in the area above (modern browsers) and select the file(s). When the upload is complete, click the 'Return to files list' button.

4. Select the image/file to upload and click "Open":

5. Once the green check mark appears, click on "Back To All Media":

The file extensions accepted by the media manager are: 
  • .doc 
  • .docx 
  • .eot
  • .epub
  • .gif 
  • .ico
  • .jfif
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .otf
  • .pdf
  • .png
  • .ppt
  • .pptx
  • .rtf
  • .svg 
  • .ttf
  • .txt
  • .vcf
  • .webp
  • .woff
  • .woff2
  • .xls
  • .xlsm
  • .xlsx
  • .xml

Image & File Options -

Hovering over an image will reveal a few image options:

  • Download -

  • Preview -

** Other file extensions like PDF, will show the same options except the preview.

Right clicking on an image will also reveal additional information:

"FILE INFO" includes:

  • Name -

  • Dimensions -

  • File Size -

  • Date Uploaded -

  • "Copy URL" will open the URL of the image/file:

** Other extensions, will not display the dimension information.

Important Note: When uploading an image with spaces in the file name, the system will automatically add a dash to the file name by default. This is done to avoid broken image paths. The same applies to folder names. Additionally, if the image or folder name contains parentheses, the system will automatically remove them.